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Author Services

What We Offer

Writing Christian Fiction with real-world content can be challenging. Heck, writing a novel or story in general can be challenging. What we've learned is that it always pays to have a second set of eyes on your work to help you see the forest for the trees.


We offer an Author Services package to help get your story from draft to published book. This service is not required for those who have stories that have been accepted by The Crossover Alliance for publication. We are not a vanity press, we are simply offering services for those who decide The Crossover Alliance isn't the publishing house for their work or for those who have submitted to us for publication and have been rejected for whatever reason. We want to make it clear we are here to help expand the arena of Christian fiction with real-world content and to that end, we are here to help authors - both those publishing with us and those not publishing with us.


Our Author Services Package includes three services:


Manuscript Evaluation

We will read through your story in its entirety and analyze it for both Christian themes and real-world content, such as violence, language, sexual content, doctrinal beliefs, etc. We will compose a thorough evaluation detailing the ways these types of content intersect the story and how they both add to the story and how they compliment the Christian elements of your tale.


Copy Edit

We will edit your story for grammar, typos, sentence structure, proper word usage, etc. We will offer one free re-edit once your initial edits have been sent back to you for review.



We will format your book for both digital (EPUB/PDF) and physical (paperback) formats.

For Author Service packages, please only submit a WORD document. Do not sent PDFs.

Short Stories

Under 10,000 words



10,000 - 40,000 words



Over 40,000 words


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